A Home User’s Guide: Sundries

Here at Butchers-Sundries we have thousands upon thousands of products that have been carefully selected and designed to meet your everyday needs. Our collection of products that are specifically targeted at home users have been tried and tested to make sure that they’re suitable for anyone to use, in any kind of kitchen. Regardless of whether you’re an experienced cook, or if you’re just starting out and looking to up your cooking game, Butchers-Sundries is the place to go to get everything you’ll need.

Before you put on your chef’s hat and delve into the creative world of cooking and food preparation, browse our full site here.

In this second edition of ‘A Home Users Guide’ we’ll be exploring our range of Sundries to discover how our products can be used in your kitchen. From knives to thermometers and meat timers, our warehouse is packed to the rafters with everything you could need to turn your home kitchen into a world of culinary wonder.


BBQ Essentials

With Christmas now out of the way and better weather on the approach (fingers crossed), we’re starting to look forward to barbeque season. Why not make this summer one to remember and host a show-stopping BBQ for your family and friends? With our BBQ Essentials range, you’ll be able to wow your guests and have everyone coming back for more. So, what’s in it? Let’s find out…

The BBQ Grill Master Box is a must-have this summer. With six different flavoured recipe kits to choose from, you can become the Ultimate Grill Master and take your BBQ skills to the next level. Perfect for indoor and outdoor grilling, each of these kits serves 4 people and allows you to enjoy these delicious-tasting meals whilst still being healthy.

Also in the range is our selection of wooden and metal food skewers, great for kebabs and toasted marshmallows. Our Flat Sided Metal Food Skewers are available from just £3.35 (inc. VAT), and you can use them over and over again.

Planning a BBQ on the go? We’ve got you covered. Our range of Bar-Be-Quick products are great for impromptu beach feasts and camping trips. From Instant Barbeques to Smoking Chips and Reusable Barbeques, we have it all available here.

Knives and Accessories

With over a hundred products to choose from, our collection of Knives and Accessories has everything and anything kitchen knife related.

First up, our Victorinox Boning Knives, available in different sizes and colours. The Victorinox brand has been established for over 100 years and is renowned for the finest quality Swiss blades. You’ll notice the difference in the quality of your food and presentation as soon as you introduce these into your kitchen.

Secondly, our ErgoGrip Black Butchers Steak Knife. Produced by Dick Brand, the world’s leading manufacturer of knives, this product is an exceptional piece of equipment that would make a great addition to any kitchen.

Finally, our collection of knife accessories contains everything you need to keep your new bit of kit in top condition. From knife holders to sharpeners and storage solutions, we have it all! Shop here.

Thermometers and Meat Timers

Don’t let your treat dishes that you’ve spent hours planning and preparing be spoiled by being removed from the oven at the wrong time. We have an extensive range of cooking timers and thermometers. Find the one that works for you here.


For any more information on the products listed above, or any other of our products, head over to butchers-sundries.com or drop us an email at customerservices@butchers-sundries.com